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From Cheryldee Huddleston's Children of an Idol Moon
Cheryldee Huddleston works with writer Valerie Fachman


from Gesture"

Inspiring psycho-physical playwriting instruction which circumvents your playwright's "head" and accesses the core of your characters' behavior. Based on and inspired by Michael Chekhov's Psychological Gesture and Imaginary Character work, Cheryldee provides intuitive guidance through both physical and Guided Writing Exercises. For playwrights at any stage of her or his process. 

 Explore writing "your impermissible" -- the play which drives you and eludes you. Following in the footsteps of her mentors, playwright Julie Jensen and the late director, Davey Marlin-Jones, Cheryldee combines deep intuitive insight into the playwriting process with solid and practical knowledge of theatrical structure and dramaturgy.   

In the San Francisco Bay Area, work with Cheryldee to "write your impermissible" in private classes,

combining in-person meetings with skype and email.

Throughout the United States, and internationally, 

work with Cheryldee via skype and email. 

Eight-to-Twelve-Week Intensives:


"Writing from Gesture"

"Playwriting: Full Length"

"Adaptation: Literature Onto The Blueprint"

"Writing the Verse Play"


 Workshops  and Lectures:


Weekend Readings and Response

"The Playwright in Theatre's History"


Cheryldee Huddleston Teaches Private Playwriting Classes via Skype
"Private  Playwriting Instruction"
Playwright Cheryldee Huddleston Teaches Playwriting Intensives and Workshops

Classes ...





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